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When Your Livelihood's At Stake

Our Indianapolis Gender Discrimination Lawyers Fight Against Mistreatment At Work

Treating employees unfairly or singling them out for harassment because of their gender is prohibited by Indiana law. Gender-based discrimination at work can cause emotional and psychological damage. It can also affect your pay and career advancement.

At Cleveland Lehner Cassidy, we believe no employee to should be treated unfairly or face retaliation for calling out such treatment. Our Indianapolisemployment lawyers have extensive experience with workplace discrimination, including gender discrimination (sex discrimination). We will help you hold your employer accountable when their policies or inaction contribute to a hostile work environment.

Have you been harmed by gender discrimination at work? Contact our Indianapolis-based attorneys at 317-953-2600 for a free case evaluation.

Gender Discrimination Is Illegal

Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against workers on the basis of sex (gender). The Equal Pay Act of 1963 also made it illegal to pay a woman less than a man for the same or similar work. Gender bias can manifest in job interviews and hiring practices, compensation, job assignments and promotions, disciplinary actions or layoffs. It can also occur in the day-to-day work environment, such as verbal harassment or offensive conduct by coworkers. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination.

Employees may suffer again when they experience employer retaliation for speaking out against sex discrimination that they have witnessed or experienced. Such reprisal for reporting discrimination is illegal and actionable.

Many women endure gender discrimination because they think “that’s just how the world is.” Cleveland Lehner Cassidy is committed to changing that dynamic by holding employers, supervisors and coworkers accountable for mistreatment. You may be entitled to compensation, including back pay (lost wages) and front pay (future earnings), plus damages for emotional distress if the harassment or discrimination was persistent and egregious. By holding the wrongdoers legally responsible, we also convince or require them to change their policies and practices.

NOTE: While women are most commonly the victims, men can experience gender discrimination too, especially in female-dominated occupations.

What Does Sex Discrimination Look Like?

As with any form of discrimination, gender discrimination can appear both obvious and subtle. It’s not always the magnitude of abuse or one “smoking gun” incident. Some of the strongest cases demonstrate how sex-based discrimination was frequent and pervasive. Examples of gender discrimination at work include:

  • Being paid less than equally qualified coworkers of another gender
  • Getting fewer or less important tasks
  • Being called derogatory names or slurs
  • Hearing hostile remarks or demeaning jokes about your gender
  • Getting turned down for a promotion, raise or training because of your gender
  • Encountering questions about pregnancy during job interviews

Additionally, there may be policies, practices or traditions at a company that can broadly discriminate against gender. In cases like these – where discrimination is so widespread or ingrained in a company’s culture – a plaintiff can bring legal action against the employer even if they were not an individual target. Examples of broader gender discrimination include:

  • Gender-exclusive company events
  • Dress codes that unfairly and negatively impact one gender
  • Unlawful restrictions on pregnancy leave or accommodations
  • Any company rules that single out a gender for discrimination

Contact Our Indianapolis Sex Discrimination Attorneys Today

We strive to be a competitive option for our clients when they need employment rights advocacy. Clients may come to us because they’ve heard about the results we’ve earned for past clients, but also because we’re dedicated to getting them started off on the right track. We provide a free initial evaluation – in-person or over the phone – with same-day appointments in most cases. We charge a convenient flat fee for additional evaluations, with payment plans available.

At Cleveland Lehner Cassidy Attorneys at Law, you work with attorneys who are invested in the outcome of your gender discrimination case. We are experienced and passionate lawyers and we want to help people who have been wronged. While most cases are settled outside of court, we are fearless litigators if the opposition is unwilling to settle on fair and favorable terms.

We take cases throughout Indiana. To schedule your case evaluation, call 317-953-2600 or reach us by email.