Professionals who lose their jobs often find themselves scrambling to protect themselves. Employers often give little advance warning before a termination. Frequently, companies plan ahead before terminating a worker and may escort them out of the building shortly...
Wrongful Termination
You cannot lawfully be fired for the reasons listed in this article
Indiana is an at-will employment state. Essentially, state law does not prevent either a worker or an employer from terminating a work relationship at any point. A worker can quit without notice, an employer can fire them for a host of reasons or no specific reason at...
Discriminated against? About to be fired? 3 things to do
You’ve been experiencing some pretty blatant discrimination in your workplace, and you tried to fight back. Now, you’re pretty sure you’re about to be fired. Most employees know when their days with a company are numbered, especially when there’s discrimination...
How does the EEOC protect federal workers?
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) strives to ensure that workers are treated fairly and properly in the United States. Historically, workers have not had very many rights. The EEOC has set up certain restrictions on ways that employers are allowed to...
How do I know if I have a wrongful termination case in Indiana?
Chances are that your employment contract is at-will, meaning that you can quit or your employer can fire you at any time and for almost any reason. However, there are a few situations in which the law protects your employment and gives you a cause of action for a...
Former Lake County case manager files lawsuit against Indiana Department of Child Services
A former case manager from Lake County, Indiana has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Child Services for wrongful termination. Learn more about the case here.